Last week a friend of mine recommended this website - is a search engine for “web real estate”. Search engine and first thing that comes to mind is google and with presence of google do we need anything else. Antya has been able to differentiate itself as its a search engine for people who forget the “urls” but remember the categories of the website … so if you want to search and dont remember the web link you just search “Startups” and find the complete list of links in that domain. The idea - “Help discover the brands”. Antya also helps you rank the websites and hence like in google the search list would be on the basis of ranking.
In terms of differentiators i found out that its easy to search the websites if you dont remember the complete names. Antya’s home page also provides the recommended topics and also has a “recently visited” page. The website is very user friendly and has a nice database of websites.
But i still have my apprehensions on users visiting the page and using the same for search when google provides a more elaborate search. Also once the database becomes stronger the categorization would not help much as one would further have to search in the categories. To me Antya will surely have to come up with very focussed differentiators to become the “preferred” search engine else it might just lose out its sheen. To know more hit
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