Party Hard Drivers - I am sure the name makes you feel what it would be!
A novel & wonderful concept executed well in Bombay, Party Hard Drivers provides drivers to drive "your car" back home after you have had "more than justified" alcohol and hence make you reach home safe! PDH (Party Hard Drivers) has banked on the "dont drink & drive" laws and has helped people come, have fun, drink and enjoy till as late as they want without worrying who & how would the car be driven.
Surely a new idea and i am sure it would have been difficult to convience people to handover the keys of their cars to an unkown driver and not just car even your lives and privacy. But then PHD has gone ahead & done a thorough check on drivers, have a detailed record of them and hence slowly have been able to convience people to use their services. Started in Mumbai with 20 drivers, they were able to break even in as less as 4 months & now are planning to move to other locations.
With Indian culture becoming more westernized and with late night parties increasing, PHD surely has cashed in on the idea and are all set to mint millions out of it. to read more hit
kudos to the lads! you have to give it to them! brilliant concept and must've been an immediate hit in the metropolitian atleast... although there might have been a problem with the break-even. i'm sure such kind of job required tremendous trust and brand building.. something on the same lines like what J&J have achieved. i'm surprised no one came up with this idea sooner. and even if they did atleast i haven't seen a blog on it! awesome post manik!
nice post! the guys seemed to have cashed on alchol stuck indian youth
Nice concept overall. Well should be quite helpful to people like us :)
:)..Yeah definetely is..
Hello All,
Im late but i just happened to see this blog now. This is Ankur Vaid, one of the partners at PHD - Party Hard Drivers. Guys thank you for your support and well wishes and special thanks to Manik for blogging this.
Team PHD
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