Discussion with Founder - ASAP!

ASAP - Its not as soon as possible but the name of a venture which is making waves and has been able to create a niche for itself in a period of just 1 year. Today we discuss with Ruchi Chopra, Founder Any Surprise Any Place (ASAP) on how she has been able to build something which is truly innovative.

Manik - Hi Ruchi, So how has the journey been right from ideation of this wonderful idea to execution.
Ruchi - ASAP is someting that i started working on while i was still involved in my corporate career with a clothing giant. From working on weekends to taking it full time its been an exciting and exhilariting journey & i have enjoyed every bit of it.

- Tell us about the execution part of it, i mean how many people are involved and how are you planning to expand both in terms of business and people.
Ruchi - As of now there are 4 people and we are operating out of Haus Khaz Delhi (though we plan to shift soon like we have been doing over last 6 months - laughs). In terms of ideation, it s completely handled by me and my team members support me in the execution effort. Besides this team there is a virtual team of free lancers across the globe whom i involve on need basis. About expansion, we are currently providing services across India & for that matter we have been serving global clients with most of the off shelf products and similar products. In terms of people we are looking at recruiting people and i am trying to find people who can think likewise and dont compromise on the quality front as thats what is highly important for us - one bad service & the word of mouth starts

Manik - Most of your products are serviced to individuals. Any plans to serve corporate customers?
Ruchi - Yes, we have provided services to a few corporate clients last year and are in talks with around 5-6 corporates in Mumbai. (I keep flying to Mumbai & have a small sales team in Mumbai)

Manik - Any advice to youngsters who plan to start afresh?
Ruchi - Hmmm, Some days back i was at LSR and this is one thing that i told there also that you cant have a huge set up to start with. When i started i started very small and hence you cant imagine to have a glass office and other luxuries to begin with. Also, you got to have faith in your idea else its difficult to actually take it forward.

Manik - Great! Thanks Ruchi it was nice speaking to you and wish you all the best in future!

To know more please hit http://www.asap.co.in/


Unknown said...

Fabulous concept there Ruchi. I think this is an idea who's time has come. People are turning more workaholic but still want to surprise their loved ones. The solution: outsource to ASAP!!
One comment though, the website could be done up in a bit more organized manner; ie specific links to choose from depending on who a customer is planning to surprise.

Sifar said...

It amazes me everytime I see people managing between their 'work' and their 'passion'. Ruchi has gone ahead to prove that one doesn't need to have huge capital or extra time to implement one's ideas. The concept and the name given to it is just too apt. While on one hand it claims to provide surprises in this crazy world where people don't have time to plan it themselves the 'ASAP' tag refers to the time shortage and extra speed requirement again. :) and for all those who think we need endless hours to actually come up with something creative here's someone who does it at your single click.

Anonymous said...

This surely is one of the most innovative concepts i have ever seen. Great Job Ruchi.